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This is the map and graph which shows how New South Wales easily made up the lion’s share of billions of dollars worth of illicit drugs seized and burned by the Australia Federal Police this year.

Of the 25 tonnes of drugs vaporised in special furnaces, NSW accounted for 19.1 tonnes, or 76 per cent of the total burn.

NSW has long been considered the gateway into Australia for drug shipments from the US, Mexico, South America, Europe and Asia, and these AFP figures back that up.

The AFP’s Eastern Command in NSW sent nearly 20 tonnes of illicit drugs for destruction, including more than 15 tonnes of stimulants and one tonne of cocaine.

It also destroyed 9.3 tonnes of Gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL), a fast-acting stimulant linked to significant numbers of fatal overdoses.

Victoria and Tasmania, which make up AFP Southern Command, incinerated 3.7 tonnes, including more than 2 tonnes of khat, a stimulant found in the leaves of an East African shrub, 630kg of pseudoephedrine and 506kg of methamphetamine.

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