An unexploded grenade has been removed from the chest of a Ukrainian soldier.
Photos on the Facebook page of Ukraine’s armed forces medical service show an X-ray of the explosive close to the serviceman’s heart, and another of the surgeon holding the device.
The post said two sappers – soldiers who perform military engineering duties – were in the operating theatre to ensure the safety of medical staff.
The injured soldier is now recovering, according to the post.
The social media post said the surgery was carried out without the use of electrocoagulation – where an electric current is used to help control bleeding during surgery – because the “ammunition could [have detonated] at any time”.
Following the surgery, a team of sappers reportedly disposed of the grenade.
It is not known how the grenade came to be lodged in the soldier’s chest, but VOG grenades – which are around 4cm [1.6 inches] long – can be fired a distance of up to 400m [0.2 miles].